Donations to Ile Iwosan Orunmila MimoTemple Programs
YBTP- Youth Boarders Training Program
Spiritual Resolution
Prison Ministries
Donations can be made directly to Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple or they can marked for use by a particular member project. It is preferred that the donations be made to Ile Iwosan Orunmila MimoTemple, as they can be used wherever the need is greatest. Donations to the temple that are not marked for a particular project or program will be distributed to the projects that are currently affilated with Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple as needed and/or used for the temple's own expenses.
Donations of money
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple/Orunmila Healing Spaces is a non-profit organization located in Phoenix, Arizona. Tax exempt -status under section 501(c)3. Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple is dedicated to the Worship, Education, Healing of people, through the Edification of Olodumare, Ori-Isese, Orunmila, Irunmole and Orisa, of the Yoruba Peopleof Southwest Nigeria. It is our pleasure to serve Olodumare, Ela, Irunmole and our Ancestors with grace, dignity, enthusiasm and love.
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo/Orunmila's Healing Spaces is working to (a) firmly and properly seat Ifa in the United States, (b) create a Council of Ifa Elders in the United States (of Both Babalawo(male high priest), Iyanifa(female high priest), Babalorisa (male high priest for Orisa) or Iyaolorisa (female high priest for Orisa) to instruct and train those interested in the true principles, teachings, and the discipleship of Ifa, (c) create a system of education and training that allows for accountability,(d) protect Ifa and Orisa adherents from pretenders who see Ifa and Orisa religion as vehicles to enrich themselves without giving back to the communities that support them.
To make a donation (in U.S. dollars only ) , write a check or monery order payable to Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple. Please do not make donations payable to program/ or projects such as "Prison Ministries". To donate to a specific program write the name in the memo field of the check , on the back of the check, as the reference in the electronic transfer. Please ensure your check is payable to Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple.
Mail your donation to the following address:
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple
Orunmila's Healing Spaces
4311 North 80th Lane,
Phoenix Arizona 85033
If you have a credit card you can donate via Paypal
Money that is donated will be distributed to the various projects and efforts that Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple is affiliated with, and to pay for the temple's operating expenses. If you intend for the money you donate to be used for a specific project or purpose, please note that in the memo field of your check or money order, or in the body of your email message for wire transfers.
If you would like acknowledgement of receipt of your donation via electronic mail, please note this fact in a letter enclosed with your check or money order. Be sure to include the email address at which you would like to receive notification of receipt. Please allow 1-2 weeks for email acknowledgement. Note that this period is above and beyond delivery time for your donation via postal services. Orunmila Healing Spaces accepts no responsibility for temporary or permanent delivery failures when electronically mailing acknowledgements of donations; please ensure that the email address you provide is reliable and in working order.
If you require a letter from Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple documenting your donation for tax purposes, please note this fact in a letter enclosed with your check or money order, and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Please allow 3-4 weeks for paper mail acknowledgement. Note that this period is above and beyond delivery time for your donation, and for return mail delivery time via postal services. Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple accepts no responsibility for failure of postal services to deliver your tax information. You may wish to request email acknowledgement in conjunction with tax information letters (see above).