Youth Boarders Training Program
Youth Boarders Training Program
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple
Youth Boarders Training Program
Orunmila Youth Vanguard
Youth Boarders Training Program or YBTP is a spiritually holistic-based training program designed for young adults ages 15-21 who are undergoing emotional distress, engaged in self-destructive behaviors, and trauma related issues. YBTP combines a unique holistic approach that is deeply spiritual with basic life skills training. The Youth Boarders Program implements the tenets and principles of Ifa worship into a well-structured environment which addresses the spiritual needs of the client while engaging them into a healthy learning experience.
The Youth Boarders Training Program is a cognitively holistic based behavioral treatment program that was developed, researched, and validated by Iyanifa Fayomi-Falade Aworeni. It was initially developed as an Ifa apprenticeship program with emphasis on disciplinary study of the Odu, Orisas, and (shrine) work, but it has generalized to the multiple demands and challenges that our young people face. Such challenges has greatly affected how our children express and control their emotions, leading to maladaptive problem solving strategies such as acting out or self-destructive behaviors. Our community is ideally suited for this therapeutic approach since the vast majority of our children and adolescents present with aggression, regression, self - harming behaviors as a way of dealing with life and its stressors.
YBTP is a year round therapeutic program located at the Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple in Phoenix, Arizona. Participants are taught how to recognize the value of acquiring their destiny through working with the elements involved. Participants are expected to rely on their inner strengths and are taught how to use their spiritual sight to help them manage lifeâs challenges

Goals of Boarders
YBTP participants are:
· trained to divine using the Obi divination system.
· trained how to properly care for the shrines.
· trained how to prepare and apply omiero accordingly.
· trained how to setup for Orisa work, as well as the animals acquired for ritual.
· given daily spiritual baths, head cleansings, dafa readings, and individual consultations.
· given regular reading assignments pertaining to Ifa and selected literature.
YBTP participants are expected to:
· sign a contract adhering to the rules and guidelines of the YBTP program
· follow the protocols and guidelines of the Ile, which is provided in the manual
· awake at 6:00 am daily for ritual and prayers
· work an 8 hour day on the property @ $8.00 per hour ($64.00 a day) towards their hand of Ifa, ilekes, and Esu*
· wear African traditional clothing or all whites*
· clean their rooms
· wash their clothes
· complete reading assignments
· participate in life skills/job skill preparedness training*
· participate in therapeutic sessions geared to modify destructive behaviors and emotional issues.
· participate in all outdoor activities
YBTP schedule includes periodic field-trips which further expands the participantsâ learning, training, and preparation for independent living. Participants are prepared 3 holistic meals a day. The days when meals are not prepared on site participants have the option to dine out. (with permission) Participants are not allowed to bring cell phones. If a cell phone is brought onto the premises, it will be confiscated until the completion of program. All perspective participants are required to have a physical and clearance from their doctor to participate in the program.
YBTP who successfully completes the program are given their personal hand of Ifa, Esu, Ilekes, and certificate of completion.
Price: $300.00 room and board
$65.00 for initial dafa reading
* Participants are paid above minimum wage.
* Participants are allowed one 30 minute break and two 15 minute breaks.
* Participants are allowed to wear jeans when working on property. (no black or red clothing allowed)
* Participants may be required to bring personal documentation such as their driverâs license, birth certificate, medical cards, diplomas
* Only open to members of Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple
Contact for more information
Iyanifa Fayomi-Falade Aworeni
4311 North 80th Lane
West Valley, Phoenix, AZ 85033
623.229.9198 or 623.849.7179