
Spiritual Life Counseling
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple provides professional faith-based, Community Pastoral Counseling, and in the near future clinical counseling (Non-licensed, awaiting test and licensure) for families and individuals.
Orunmila Healing Spaces assist those individuals, couples, and families who seek greater understanding and healing in such personal and spiritual problems such as, anxiety, depression, couples, parent/child relationships, personal loss, substance abuse, addictive behaviors, physical and emotional abuse.
Oloye Fayomi Falade Aworeni has received her diploma for the Masters of Art in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Class of 2013 from Argosy University, Phoenix Campus. Officially accepted into the Doctoral Program for Community Pastoral Counseling.
To schedule a consultation or inquire about any of our services, call us today..
Dafa Divination
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple offers divination, traditional medicines, and Ifa/Orisa initiations. Dafa divination is performed and committed with opele and ikin.
Dafa is committed by a trained Awo; both Female and Male named an Iyanifa or Babalawo. With this system they are able to ask the Oracle of Ifa by through belowed defined tools concerning any question in the existence human beings i.e. of the past, present, or future. Dafa is divination, medicine, philosophy, literature, commentary on the life of a person who is sitting before inquiring about the quandry of their life It is more a way of life that is designed by the ancient to assist humans beings in their every day endeavors to live well.
To inquire about any of our services

YBTP - Youth Boarders Training Program
Youth Boarders Training Program or YBTP is a spiritually holistic-based training program designed for young adults ages 15-21 who are undergoing emotional distress, engaged in self-destructive behaviors, and trauma related issues. YBTP combines a unique holistic approach that is deeply spiritual with basic life skills training.
The Youth Boarders Program implements the tenets and principles of Ifa worship into a well-structured environment which addresses the spiritual needs of the client while engaging them into a healthy learning experience.
To inquire about any of our services
Prison Ministry
Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple Prison Ministry
Ile Iwosan is re-launching its Prison Ministry Newsletter. Inmates and family members of inmates can request our newsletters. Qualifiers for the newsletter is as follows: The Inmate of any given institution has to inform chaplain, counselor, or caseworker that he/she will receive mail from Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple. Our ministry is and supports culturally competent counseling and are sensitive to the individual person or family’s needs in developing a dialog that considers their unique cultural, ethic, national, gender relationships and background.
The primary mission of Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple's Prison Ministry is to foster community support, spiritual ministry, and offer judicial advocacy for inmates and the families impacted by incarceration. Letters of recommendation are written based on the individual's records and assessments. For more information please email us or call.

Full List of Services Offered